Case Study – it’s in the detail

How to add the finer details.
Its simple, SYTEX FoamStone architectural product line rivals cast and quarried stone, with huge savings at every stage.

Using the latest computerised technology SYTEX cuts high density EPS and coats it with a unique, flexible and impact resistant finish creating the look and touch of stone and pre cast, at a fraction of the weight and cost.

What does this mean to you, here in Guernsey?
M Tullier Ltd are excited about this product and you certain will be when you see the quality and feel the weight of the product. Simply call us and we will be happy to arrange a meeting to discuss how you can use SYTEX Foamstone on your project.

How will it look?
Below you will see a job completed by us using the specially designed lightweight coins made to replica the old sand and cement versions.

